
Maximus - Gladiator

Finally finish my Maximus with the helmet. My 3rd attempt on this character and I learned a lot through this project since the 1rst one. How to sculpt an armor, the details on the chest and the rest of the armor. It was fun but I'm definitely not ready to do another one, it is the last and I'm pretty sure about it.

2 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

hi im jesus of Spain, great job on the custom of gladiator.me I could condeguir gladiator armor in 1/6 scale custom, gracias.mi email is: hesbonsai @ hohmail, com.gracias

Beto a dit…

Hello friend, how are you?
I'm from Brasil.
Friend, that you did all these accessories for Maximus (Russell Crowe)?
You make and sell?
Your work is amazing, I'm doing a custom Russel Crowe movie Gladiator, and I need his acessories but... I can not find it anywhere.
If you sell, please let me know, would love to buy.
The body and head I already have.

Thank you and congratulations for your work.

My e-mail: rbcarrera@terra.com.br

Roberto C. Carreira